
FAQ for Off the Shelf Courses

If you are keen in investing in off the shelf courses, this document will help you understand our solutions better. In case we have not been able to answer the question you had in mind, write to us at [email protected]

  1. How did you choose the course topic?

These carefully curated topics are based on our experience in the domain of people development for the last 15 years.

  1. What is the average duration of these courses?

The average duration of these courses’ ranges mostly is between 30 -45 minutes.

  1. What are total learning hours for these 25 courses?

9 hours approximately. However, it may vary among learners as these are all self-paced

  1. What are the renewal charges?

There are no renewal charges. It is a one-time investment for 25 off the shelf courses.

  1. What is the subscription cost?

There is no subscription cost to it as we do not host it via our LMS. We hand over the SCORM files to you and you can upload it in your LMS. Once you buy the courses from us, any number of users can access it.

  1. Can it be turned to mp4 video format?

These are SCORM compliant files which are interactive in nature. These are not video learning modules.

  1. Can I pick and choose the courses I want?

This is a bundle offer hence you get all he 25 courses as a part of the offer. However, if you want to buy individual courses or a series, the bundle offer will not be applicable. We can send across the rate chart for the individual courses as the duration of the courses may differ and hence the price.

  1. Can I club the course in the category I like or create a separate category for them?

Once we handover the files to you, you can upload them in any way you want to in your LMS

  1. How soon can I get the courses?

As soon as we complete the partner onboarding and payment process, we can handover the courses to you within 48 hours of payment. In case you want your company logo to be embedded, we would need an additional 5 working days.

  1. Do I need a LMS for these courses?

Yes, you would need a functional LMS to upload and access these courses.

  1. How interactive are they?

These are course with L2 level of interaction. This means there will be quiz, scenario-based learner exercises, embedded videos etc for the learners

  1. Can the learners get a certificate of course completion?

Currently the courses do not have any such feature, but it can be added at an additional cost of 5k for all the 25 courses

  1. Are these self-paced learner courses?

Yes, they are self-paced interactive courses.

  1. Can these courses replace the regular classroom sessions?

They are wonderful from a sensitization perspective. The courses are interactive and quite detailed so, you can use them as a pre training assignment or a post training assignment for any virtual or classroom session. While learners with some exposure to these skills will enjoy revisiting these topics and brushing up their skills. Learners who are comparatively new to professional world may need a little handholding even after taking these courses.

  1. Can I assign the course to a certain set of learners only?

You can choose the learners you want to assign the course to in your LMS.

  1. How frequently do these courses get updated?

We usually update the course once a year. In case of any such update we shall share with you the updated file. These updates may be functional updates or design and will not include any changes in storyboard.

  1. Which version of SCORM do you provide?

We can provide SCORM files in SCORM 1.2 Version, SCORM 2004 (2nd Edition), SCORM 2004 (4nd Edition) and SCORM (CAN xAPI) format

  1. Can I change the scenarios and customize it to my business or employee’s need?

Yes, it can be done at an additional cost of INR 8,000 per course. This would not nclude any alteration of the storyboard, concept or tools.

  1. Can I customize these courses?

Yes, these off the shelf course can be customized at an additional cost. The commercials will depend on more than one factors like the duration, the profile of the learners you want to design the course for, the learning objectives, the performance goal you are targeting etc.

  1. What will be the turnaround time for customized courses?

The turnaround time for the customized courses will depend on the scope of work. Once you share the scope of work, we can give you an estimate of the timeline. It can range from 15 – 30 – 45 days.